

Hope you find some helpful fun and easy tips on here.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Daddys Day

It has been said that it takes a man to step up to be a dad to someone else kids. To love them and raise them as their own. It has also been said that any man can be a father but a real man to be a dad.
I have been blessed to have two daddys.
My real dad and step-dad.
I have learned much from both awesome men. I have learned that life will not always give you what you want,that you must work hard and strive daily. You can always count on daddy to be there and when one was not I had another to turn to.
I love both my dads equally and both hold a very special place in my heart.
With that said:
HAPPY DADDYS DAY DADDYS: Ricardo Cantu and Ricardo Palacios. Thank you for always loving and putting up with me and the rest of my sibblings.
***Yes I know I know boh also have he same first name. What can I say mom didnt want to forget. ***

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Age is truely only a number

I hear so many excuses about why someone is not working out. Why they haven't started or why they won't even attempt. Tisk Tisk to you.
Though some can be legit reasons: health problems, surgery recovery or your head fell off. Age should never be a reason. We tell our self and others that age is no more than a number. So why consider age when working out or living a healthier life.

Sweet little 80 plus young lady working out