OK people the gym is for working out. It is not social hour and not a night club. There is nothing worse to me than a woman or man disrespecting the gym by going there looking for a hook up. I have walked into our locker room and seen women apply and reapply make-up respray their hair, lift their boobs. REALLY! All that is unnecessary. We are there to workout. The gym is not a beauty contest. Men, you are just as guilty. I get looking in the mirror and checking out your improvements, but to stand there and fix your hair and watch yourself walk. What in the world is going on.
The gym is the one place you should not care what you look like. Sweat, have no make-up on, have messing hair, if you need to blow your nose on your shirt while running....DO IT.
Respect that gym and your fellow members, do your sets and move the hell out the way. That bench your butt is on is not a recliner..MOVE IT.
What is your gym rants.?
I hate when people dont wipe the equipment after using them.... o_O